Online PrEP from SH:24

SH:24 are making it easier than ever to access PrEP and prevent the spread of HIV. 

Published on 08 October 2024
Written by
Hel Burrough, Senior content designer at SH:24

Our new PrEP service includes PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) medication, health checks, monitoring and expert care - all managed online, without needing to book any appointments.

Local authorities, NHS Trusts and other Sexual Health providers can partner with us to deliver PrEP services. Interested? Email us at to find out more.

Whether renewing a prescription or starting PrEP for the first time, users will begin with our online consultation form. They’ll set up an SH:24 account to check and manage their tests, results and prescriptions. We send them an at-home test kit so the necessary checks for HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, STIs and kidney function can be completed. As we know taking a blood sample is a challenge for those home testing, we only ask for 1 blood sample to complete these tests.

If the HIV result comes back negative, and the kidney function (eGFR) is good, our clinical team will prescribe PrEP, which is sent straight to the user’s address.

Our care doesn’t stop there. The online account is a one-stop-shop for prescription management, with quick and discreet access to help articles and options to text our team or book a phone appointment. 4 weeks after prescribing we contact each user to see how they’re getting on and if they need any support with side effects or adherence. 

Users will need HIV and STI tests every 3 months, as well as regular tests to monitor kidneys. So we’ll send reminders when it’s time to test again and when their PrEP is due to run out. 

All of this can be accessed at home and online. 

“PrEP is proven to be a safe and effective method for stopping HIV transmission, it’s vital that we make it easier for people to access and address health inequalities.” said Paula Baraitser, Clinical Director at SH:24 and Consultant in Sexual Health at King's College Hospital.

“It can be tricky for the people who need PrEP to get to the clinic, perhaps because of waiting times, problems with travel or work and caring responsibilities. Our online service is a safe and convenient option for anyone who struggles to access in-person PrEP services.”

Designed to make a difference

At SH:24 we consider our human-centred design approach as core to our success. Our PrEP service was no exception.

We carried out extensive user research to gather feedback and insight from users across the UK. This informed every stage of designing, developing and refining our service. We engaged people with differing experiences with PrEP and were determined to include those currently underrepresented in UK PrEP uptake.

Using everything we heard from interviews and usability testing, we developed our PrEP at-home service to really meet user needs.

Mollie Courtenay, SH:24 Head of Product said “This project is really exciting, not only for the end users who will benefit from a convenient all-in-one place service, and our partners who can flexibly offer a PrEP service that works for their local needs, but organisationally it has been so energising.”

“I’ve really enjoyed being part of the cross-functional and collaborative team. We have specialist nurses, design team, product, software engineers and business development colleagues all working together to get our PrEP service ready to launch.”

The road to zero HIV

In England, we’ve seen a rise in new HIV diagnoses over the past few years. There were 6,008 diagnosed cases of HIV in 2023, this is a 51% increase on the 2022 numbers. PrEP medication is around 100% effective at preventing HIV when taken correctly. And access to PrEP is essential for stopping this rise in new diagnoses and meeting the government and the United Nations goal of zero HIV transmissions by 2030.

While PrEP has been available on the NHS for the past 4 years, its full potential has not been realised. Users have reported waiting up to 12 weeks for a PrEP appointment and clinicians are concerned that they're unable to meet the demand.

Our service offers a convenient, discreet and straightforward way for users to stay proactive about HIV prevention. With expert guidance, fast delivery and a fully online process, our new service will reach more people who need PrEP, ease pressure on in-clinic appointments and increase equity in access to PrEP.

“The launch of our online service for accessing PrEP medication is a game-changer in HIV prevention. By making this essential medication more accessible and convenient, we're empowering individuals to take control of their sexual health.” said Chris Howroyd, CEO of SH:24.

If you’d like to learn more about how SH:24 can support you in delivering a flexible and user-friendly PrEP service in your local area, contact

Looking for something more?

Since 2014, SH:24 has been making it easier to manage your sexual health with our free, online services. All delivered in partnership with the NHS.

All our information and articles are written by the SH:24 team and reviewed by medical experts.