How does vasectomy work?

Vasectomy works because it stops sperm getting into your semen. This means that when you ejaculate, there’s no sperm to fertilise an egg and cause pregnancy.

The vasectomy procedure blocks or cuts the tube called the vas deferens (or sperm duct), which carries sperm from the testicles to the prostate. This is where sperm gets added to semen.

Before a vasectomy, the fluid that’s ejaculated is a mixture of both sperm and semen.

After vasectomy, you’ll ejaculate as usual, but the semen contains no sperm. No sperm means no pregnancy.

It does not affect your sex drive or your ability to have an erection, enjoy sex or ejaculate.

There are 2 types of vasectomy

Both types are done under local anaesthetic, which means you’ll get an injection to numb the area.

Conventional vasectomy

  1. After an injection of local anaesthetic, a small cut is made in the scrotum.

  2. The vas deferens tube (sperm tube) is identified.

  3. The tube is cut and the ends are tied or cauterised (sealed using heat).  

  4. The cut in the skin is closed with self-absorbing stitches.

Minimally invasive vasectomy

  1. After an injection of local anaesthetic, a small puncture hole is made in the skin of your scrotum.

  2. The vas deferens (sperm tube) is identified and pulled through the small hole.

  3. The surgeon can then cut, tie or seal it with heat.

  4. There’s no need for stitches.

The minimally invasive or ‘no scalpel’ method is now the most popular method, as it has a lower chance of bleeding and infection.

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