Our guide to getting tested for HIV
It’s National HIV Testing Week, and to encourage everyone to get tested, we’re sharing everything we know about HIV tests.
HIV can affect anyone and testing is the only way to know your HIV status. Fortunately, it’s never been easier to test.
Where to get a test
You can order HIV tests online, to complete at home. They are available free from SH:24 or freetesting.HIV
You can also get tested in person at
a sexual health clinic
an HIV testing centre
a GP
All these services are free. There are also paid services where you can buy your choice of HIV test, like our partner site Fettle.
If you do have HIV, testing and finding out means you can get treatment, stay healthy and not pass the virus on to anyone else. In the UK, HIV treatment and support are free.
What kinds of tests are there?
There are 3 types of HIV tests available.
Blood test done in clinic - A clinician will take a small amount of blood from your arm. This will be processed in a lab and you’ll be contacted with your results.
Rapid test - Known by the brand names Insti or Oraquick, these tests can be done at home or in a clinic. They use just 1 drop of blood or a sample of your saliva. Your results will be ready instantly or in 20 minutes depending on which test you use.
At-home lab test - You’ll take a sample of blood yourself, at home. You post your sample to a lab for testing. With SH:24 lab tests, you’ll get your results within 72 hours of your sample arriving at the lab.
All these types of tests are safe and reliable.
HIV tests that you do at home cannot give a definite positive result. They can show that HIV might be present, but you will need a second test at a clinic (called a confirmatory test) to check and confirm your result.
How to take a blood sample at home
Taking the blood sample for a lab test can be tricky, especially if it’s the first time you’ve done it. Luckily, we have everything you need to get ready and get it right.
Here are some things you can try to make it easier to take a sample and improve your blood flow:
Get hydrated before you start - drink more water than usual the day before you take the test.
Moving around gets your blood pumping and can make it easier to get a sample. If you can, a walk around the block, some jumping jacks or even hoovering before you take a sample can make a difference to your circulation
Being warm really helps too. You could try holding a warm drink for a few minutes, running your hand under warm water or doing the test after you’ve had a bath or shower.
Take your sample with the tube sitting below you and keep your arm straight. This way gravity can play a part and make it easier. Putting the tube on a low flat surface - like a toilet seat or low bench - and positioning yourself over it can help.
We’ve heard from some people that using their thumb or the side of a fingertip can often produce more blood. You will need to 'milk' your finger to help the blood to flow out, if you start at the knuckle and gently squeeze down towards the tip of your finger this can help the blood to come out more easily.
How the tests work
At-home and in clinic HIV tests work by looking for signs of HIV in a sample of blood or saliva.
These signs could be antigens or antibodies, these are both substances made by your body as a response to HIV. Antigens are the part of a virus that activates your immune system. Antibodies are created by the immune system as it tries to fight off the HIV infection. Antigens appear in your blood before antibodies do.
The rapid type of HIV tests checks your sample for antibodies only. If your blood sample is tested in a lab, then the test is looking for antigens and antibodies.
When to test for HIV
No HIV test can detect HIV immediately after contact with the virus. This is because of the window period - the time between when a person gets HIV and when an HIV test can accurately test for it. Some tests can detect HIV sooner than others, but all tests have a window period.
If you think you’ve been exposed to HIV, you might be able to protect yourself from the infection by starting PEP within 72 hours. Some people will be eligible for PEP free on the NHS from sexual health clinics and A&E departments. Check the THT website to learn more
Window periods
For tests where a sample of blood is sent to a lab, like a clinic test or an at-home lab test, the window period is 7 weeks (45 days) after potential exposure.
For the rapid tests, the window period is 12 weeks (90 days) after potential exposure.
How often should you test for HIV?
If you’re sexually active, you should test for HIV along with other STIs at least once a year. Even if you do not have any symptoms or do not think you’ve been at risk.
If you regularly have sex with new people and do not always use a condom, then you should test every 3 months.
What do the test results mean?
At-home tests will give you a negative result or a reactive result. They cannot give definite positive results.
Reactive results mean that some signs of HIV were found in your sample, but you need to do another test at a clinic to be sure.
Negative results mean that no infection was found in your sample.
National HIV Testing Week
National HIV Testing Week is an annual event to promote regular testing in England. In this week, anyone in England can order a free HIV test to do at home. Just head to freetesting.HIV
Freetesting.HIV is powered by SH:24, to provide free HIV tests across England throughout the campaign. The National HIV Testing Week campaign is delivered by Terrence Higgins Trust and funded by the Department of Health and Social Care.
Looking for something more?
Since 2014, SH:24 has been making it easier to manage your sexual health with our free, online services. All delivered in partnership with the NHS.
All our information and articles are written by the SH:24 team and reviewed by medical experts.
Learn what symptoms to look out for, where to get tested and how to keep yourself safe from STIs.
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