Where to get help if you’ve been abused or assaulted
These organisations can help you if you’re dealing with abuse, assault or violence.
If you are in immediate danger, call 999 and talk to the police.
If making a sound would put you in danger, call 999 and press 55 to reach the police.
Find out more about calling the police when you cannot speak.
Sexual assault
If you need immediate support after a sexual assault or rape, there are specialist centres all over the UK that can help you. These sexual assault referral centres are open 24 hours a day. They offer medical, practical and emotional support.
Contact a sexual assault service near you in:
Rape Crisis offers 24/7 support through its website, including a phone helpline, online chat and centres in some parts of the country.
You do not need to report anything to the police to use these services. But they can help you if you do want to do this.
Domestic abuse and violence
Domestic abuse does not always involve physical violence. It can be physical, emotional, psychological, financial or sexual. Domestic abuse is the repeated, random and habitual use of intimidation to control a partner or family member.
Research shows that most domestic abuse is carried out against women. But domestic abuse and violence can happen to anyone.
It can be hard to take the first step, but there are lots of people who can help you. And they understand the need to keep you safe. They can help you without anyone else finding out.
If you need support with a controlling, abusive or violent relationship, reach out to these organisations:
The National Domestic Abuse Helpline - call for free and in confidence, 24 hours a day: 0808 2000 247
Mankind Initiative - support for men who have experienced abuse from a partner. Their confidential helpline is open weekdays, 10am-4pm: 01823 334 244
Victim Support - call the Supportline for free, confidential support: 0808 1689 111 or use their live chat service.
You can also find help and support for domestic abuse on GOV.UK and on the NHS
You might need help and support if you’re part of a gang that’s involved in criminal activity.
If you’re involved with a gang and you feel pressured into doing things you don’t want to do, there are people you can talk to. If you’re ever worried about sex, or you’re worried about your contact with a gang, you don’t have to deal with it alone.
Gangsline - a non-profit organisation established in 2007 to provide help and support to young men and women involved in gang culture. 0800 032 9538 - Freephone helpline
Childline- confidential service for people up to the age of 19. You can contact a Childline counsellor about anything
Female genital cutting (FGC) or female genital mutilation (FGM)
Female genital cutting (FGC) is when a girl's genitals are altered or removed for non-medical reasons. You might hear it called female genital mutilation (FGM), female circumcision or cutting. It can cause long-lasting physical damage and ongoing emotional distress.
Over 200 million girls and women across the world have been affected by FGC. It's illegal in the UK.
If you are at risk of FGC or have been affected by FGC, or you’re worried about someone you know, these organisations give you support and advice.
Because it’s so serious, if you contact our team, are under 18 and have experienced FGC we have to tell other organisations who can help you.
Forward - contact Forward for one-to-one support. Open Monday to Friday, 9.30am-5.30pm. 0208 960 4000, extension 1, or 07834 168 141 or email support@forwarduk.org.uk
About FGM - information about FGM and details of specialist drop-in clinics around the UK where you can get support and advice
The Halo Project - a national service that supports victims of ‘honour’-based violence, forced marriage and FGC. In an emergency call: 08081 788 424 (freephone). When it’s not an emergency and you need to speak to someone for some advice then call 01642 683 045
Trafficking is when a person is moved from one place to another so that they can be abused or exploited. You might have been forced to travel or told lies about what would happen when you arrived. People can be trafficked and exploited in different forms, including being forced into sexual exploitation, labour, begging or crime.
If you’ve been trafficked or you’re worried about someone you know, these organisations can help you:
The Poppy Project- provides support, advocacy and accommodation to trafficked women. Call them on 020 7735 2062
The Modern slavery helpline - call the helpline on 08000 121 700 or report your concerns online
‘Honour’-based violence
‘Honour’-based violence and abuse can take many forms. It describes a range of violent acts where the motivation, reason or justification is to protect the honour of a family or a community. It’s mainly used for controlling women and girls. Or punishing them for their behaviour.
If you are worried about ‘honour’-based violence, you can reach out to these organisations:
National Domestic Violence Helpline - free 24-hour helpline for women experiencing domestic violence, their family, friends, colleagues and others calling on their behalf: 0808 2000 247.
Karma Nirvana- free helpline for support with 'honour'-based abuse: 0800 5999 247, open Mon-Fri 9am-5pm
The Halo Project- A national service that supports victims of honour-based violence, forced marriage and FGM. In an emergency call: 08081 788 424 (freephone). When it’s not an emergency and you need to speak to someone for some advice then call 01642 683 045.
Forced marriage
You have the right to choose who you marry, when you marry and if you want to marry at all.
A forced marriage is when one or both people do not, or cannot, choose to be part of the marriage. They have been forced or pressured into it. This can involve physical, emotional or financial abuse.
If you’re trying to stop a forced marriage or need help to leave one, contact these organisations.
the Forced Marriage Unit - helpline providing advice and support to victims of forced marriage as well as to professionals dealing with cases. Call 020 7008 0151 or email: fmu@fco.gov.uk
The Halo Project - a national service that supports victims of 'honour'-based violence, forced marriage and FGM. In an emergency call: 08081 788 424 (freephone). When it’s not an emergency and you need to speak to someone for some advice then call: 01642 683 045.