Partner notification
If you get a positive result for an STI, it’s important to contact your recent sexual partners so they can get tested, and get any treatment they need. This protects their health, as well as yours.
You can tell your partners yourself. Or when you go for treatment, your sexual health clinic can help you. They should offer you an anonymous partner notification service. Use this if you’d prefer not to talk to your partners yourself.
Our chlamydia partner notification process can anonymously tell your recent partners that they’ve come into contact with an STI and need to take an STI test.
This is completely anonymous. So your recent partners will not be told your name or anything about the infection. They get a text message that lets them know they might've been in contact with an infection. It tells them that they need to get tested and gives them information on how to get a test.
You don’t have to use our service, you may be comfortable telling your sexual partners yourself. In that case, you can still use our partner notification service to help them get the correct testing and treatment.
How it works
If you test positive for chlamydia, when we text you the result you’ll get a link for ordering free treatment as well. As part of ordering the treatment, you’ll be able to give us the contact numbers of your recent sexual partner or partners.
You can preview the anonymous text message that we’ll send as the notification. It says they might have been in contact with an infection and suggests that they get an STI test.
When you complete your order, the text messages are sent from SH:24. It will include a code which they can use with SH:24 or show to their local sexual health clinic to fast-track their testing.
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