Accounts and details
I cannot log in to my account
If you're having difficulty logging in to your account, this could be for several reasons. Here are some ways you can address the issue:
make sure you're using the correct email address and entering it correctly. Try a different email address if you're not sure which one you signed up with.
if you're still having problems, try resetting your password
if you do not receive the password reset email, this could mean:
your account was created with a different email address - try using another email address of yours when you log in.
you do not yet have an account. In this case, try creating an account before you log in.
Please note: if you were not logged in while placing an order, you will not be able to see that order in your account.
My test results are not showing in my account
You should get a text message telling you that your results are ready to view. If you have not got that message, then your tests are not completed yet. Your results should be ready within 72 hours (3 days) of them arriving at our lab.
If you get the message saying your results are ready, but they are not showing when you log in to your account, please wait 24 hours and check again. If your results are still not showing, contact us and we can help.
To see results in your account, you must be logged in when you order the STI test kit or the order will not appear in your account. You can check this by looking at your order history page. If your STI test kit order is not listed, it's likely that you made this order without logging in. No information about this order or the results will appear in your account and your results will be sent in a text message.
I did not get a verification code, what should I do?
We send codes so we can verify your phone number when you order or verify your email address when you create an account.
Phone verification codes are sent as a text message. If it has not arrived, first check that you have signal on your mobile. Then try the ‘resend verification code’ button.
If you’re still not receiving a code, then it’s most likely because of cookies stored in your browser.
Before you start your order, try:
clearing the cookies in your browser
using the private/incognito mode in your browser
using a different browser
We also find that sometimes ordering on a different device can help. So try using your computer instead of your phone, or a tablet instead of your laptop.
Make sure your browsers are not connected across devices. For example, if you’re signed into a Google account on both devices, try signing out.
I see an error message or blank screen when I log in
If you see any error message when you log in or you see a blank screen, first try to log in again using a different browser or device.
If you experience the same problem again, please send a screenshot of the error to us by email and we'll be able to help. Or you can try to reset your password and log in again as this may help.
I need to update my details
To update your delivery address reply to one of our texts or email us.
In your message, include:
Your full name
Date of birth
The post code we currently have stored for you
Your phone number
The details you'd like us to change and update
This helps us to find and update your information on our system.
To update your mobile number, send us a text message from your new number including:
Your previous number that we currently have stored for you
Your new phone number
Your full name
Date of birth
Post code
Text us on 07860 041 233 if you are based in England, Scotland or Northern Ireland. In Ireland, text us on 0861 803 609.